
Become a part of our radical comradery - do it here! *
Become a part of our radical comradery - do it here! *
Become a part of our radical comradery - do it here! *
Become a part of our radical comradery - do it here! *

Here is the list of our community members from around the world. Use the map to connect with them according to their location. You can also use the filters below and find other members according to their activities.

You can message our community members directly via their profile page and you can add them as comrades to your personal network.

It is important to connect, because in this way you get in touch with other people who are interested and engaged in changing the very logic of design and our network gets stronger and we create more knowledge.

Za najboljšo možno uporabniško izkušnjo naše spletno mesto uporablja piškotke, ki nam omogočajo vpogled v način uporabe spletnega mesta ter izboljšave naših storitev in produktov.


Piškotek je majhna tekstovna datoteka, ki se prenese na računalnik uporabnika ob njegovem obisku spletne strani. Sam piškotek ne vsebuje ali zbira informacij. Piškotki se glede na svojo funkcijo in glede na to, kdo jih namešča, lahko razvrstijo v več kategorij. Vsako od njih lahko vklopite ali izklopite po vaših željah.