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Ne možete izbeći ideju čije je vreme došlo!
Ove reči izražavaju moto današnjeg globalnog pokreta protiv vladavine novca nad životom. One pripadaju ljudima, onim 99%, koji izražavaju naše glolokalne probleme na ulicama, u medijima, u prostorima javne savesti, u školama i univerzitetima, na poslu, kod kuće, kao i u intimnim odnosima i privatnim diskusijama.
Ove reči takođe izražavaju i još…
You can’t evict an idea whose time has come!
These words express the nature of the current global movement against the rule of money over life. They belong to the people, the 99%, who are bringing the fundamental urgent issues to the streets, into the media, into the realm of public consciousness, into the schools, universities, jobs, homes and intimate discussions and relationships.
Uskoro počinje Memefest 2012, Festival Društveno odzivne komunikacije i umetnosti!
Šta se dešava? Svašta. Puno novosti i izazova u 2012. godini je pred nama. Organizacijska ekipa festivala završava poslednje pripreme pre konačnog lansiranja novih sadržina. Pre svega to znači da je zvanični početak ovogodišnjeg festivala i prijateljskog takmičenja planiran za sledeću sedmicu.
Novi festival…
Few days ago, students in solidarity with the worldwide Occupy movement peacefully protested at University California Davis. What happened became news around the world. It showed the nature of a big part of the corporate University systen through the naked violence that was employed that very day on campus. It showed how far a University system can go to preserve it's corporate status quo. It sho…
In this short curated series that i'll call Blogging TV, we will have a look at some of the previous moving images Memefest submissions now all published at MEMETV. Here is the first one:
Empire is a 1 minute long video sequence of still webcam images of the \"Europa Center\" - Berlin - downloaded from the web and re-processed in Italy. Audio track is a sonic montage of fields recordings from …
Presentation of my new artwork "The Will" in collaboration with Arwa Ramadan in the frame of Interface Cultures exhibition "Unuselessness - The Useful Useless" presented during Ars Electronica festival (1.-6.9.2011 Brucknerhaus, Linz, Austria)
On the floor there is an Islam symbol of Allah square kufi made from conductive carpet. Near the carpet there are three pairs of slippers with mini vibr…