News / Conversations



Launching GISWatch 2014 at MEMEFEST/Swinburne

Andrew Garton and the Association for Progressive Communications in collaboration with Memefest/Swinburne are launching the latest version of the Global Information Society Watch publication, GISWatch 2014, which reviews the effects of national, global mass surveillance of citizens around the world.

When: 6:00pm, 18 November 2014
Where: Haddons Cafe Bar, Swinburne University, AR Building, 642…



1000+ Coffees



Israel, Gaza, War & Data

An interesting article on the failure of social media "dialogue".




Hi all,

I am beginning the process of encouraging a critical design connective called Imp-act (an Imp being a small and mischievous creature). It is a association of students/practitioners/thinkers etc in the local Brisbane area creating and then building on open-source ideas. Looking for anyone who is interested in helping develop the idea: especially QCA students and ex-students.




New Book: InDEBTed to Intervene

We are very excited to let you know about our new book. We have been working on it for more than a year and the book is as beautifull and strong in any way as was the adventure in to researching debt and making it.

The book is an investigation in to Debt as the key instrument that defines current social relations- through the lens of communication, design and art. It is both- theory and pract…



NOVA KNJIGA: InDEBTed TO INTERVENE, Critical Lessons in Debt, Communication, Art and Theoretical Practice

U ediciji Interventions, u izdanju Memefesta i Queensland College of Art - Griffith University, izašla je nova knjiga InDEBTed TO INTERVENE, Critical Lessons in Debt, Communication, Art and Theoretical Practice.

InDEBTed TO INTERVENE, Critical Lessons in Debt, Communication, Art and Theoretical Practice je knjiga koja kroz prizmu kritike, komunikacije, dizajna, umetnosti i teorijske prakse pr…



Keep the Fire Burning! Contribution Through Collaboration- Some Post Food Democracy Event Thoughts

Last week we finished the official part of the second Memefest/QCA extradisciplinary seminar/workshop/direct action here at the Queensland College of Art in Brisbane. The theme was Food Democracy, and we wanted to explore it in relation to local Brisbane. We worked together with the wonderful and inspirational people of the Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy in order to strengthen the food pro…



Rok za prijavu radova na MEMEFEST 2013 - FOOD DEMOCRACY je produžen do 31. maja 2013!

Memefestovci, rok za predaju radova smo produžili do kraja meseca!

Kao što znate, tema Memefesta 2013 je DEMOKRATIJA HRANE. Pozivamo vas da u naredne dve sedmice odgovorite na pitanje: šta je za vas DEMOKRATIJIA HRANE?

Vreme je da na ovo pitanje odgovorite iz svog trbuha, na osnovu vašeg istraživačkog rada, vlastitog iskustva ili iz prakse svakodnevnog opažanja. Sudelujte na Memefestu sa …



the fetishization of location

The ubiquity of geolocation enabled devices, the increasingly complex infrastructure that enables them, and the noticeable pressure to associate even the most mundane of activities with a digital, geo-specific record are all indicative of our transition to a fetishization of location. We have witnessed as well the simultaneous commodification of personal location data -- and, by proxy, our own …



A Fruit that Asked Questions

Food is a social medium. Michael Rakowitz explores in this beautiful project exactly this dimension. As a medium food can carry a story and it can raise questions. Food has symbolic meaning and it creates meaning in situations. It can serve as a tool for intervention and it can have explicit political connotations. It does create new relations and it can question established ones.

My friend A…