News / Conversations



The Bubble Project - conceived by Ji Lee



A Studio Model

The seed of an idea for an interdisciplinary design practice that goes out of its way to recognise and affirm "goodness" in the world while agitating for needed change. It is a model that values diversity of approach and personality, and attempts to avoid the well trodden patterns of "conservative" and "radical" behaviour.

"Sch/ism": A divided design studio





In this short curated series that i'll call Blogging TV, we will have a look at some of the previous moving images Memefest submissions now all published at MEMETV. Here is the first one:

Empire is a 1 minute long video sequence of still webcam images of the \"Europa Center\" - Berlin - downloaded from the web and re-processed in Italy. Audio track is a sonic montage of fields recordings from …



Memefest at CulturaDigital.Br

Dear Memefest comrades,

We're going to have a Digital Culture festival here in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in December. And we applied for the open call for projects. We want to heat up the discussion towards socially responsive communication in a local sphere, in contact with people from all over the world, and the sky is the limit...

So, today is the last day of the voting process (that's no…



Memefest e eventos

Há mapas para publicar aqui, produzidos no encontro em Nijmegen, Holanda, em junho. Um deles ganhará uma versão digital interativa, os outros foram impressos em camisetas. São maneiras experimentais de visualizar conflitos.

Outras visualidades e pesquisas cartográficas, à maneira situacionista, têm ganhado espaços de experimentação e vivências pelo Rio: o Laboratório de Cartografias Insurgente…




During all the years of my work in advertising I always had very ambivalent feelings about it. Part of me loved it for endless possibilities of creative opportunities while bigger part of me hated it for having to act against my political and personal values.

I'm sure many co-workers also experienced similar feelings but decided to stay, as it appears this is one of those "take it or leave i…



“Goldman Sachs rules the world”. Media hoax, marketing campaign or pure truth?

I have come across this video yesterday and looked at it several times. I was astonished by the directness of this trader who told the whole world through the BBC that he dreams every night about a global economic crisis, because this situation will allow him to make big profits.

I had a conversation about it with Vida and she said that the trader did this on purpose, launching this controver…



MEMEFEST EXHIBITION in Koper / insight

On the 24th of August in the PiNA e-Cafe in Koper we opened the fourth exhibition MEMEFEST: DEMONSTRATING RELEVANCE:RESPONSE-ABLITIY. The exhibition was opened during one of the most known events "REVIVING THE STREET", which the last 12 years brings to life one of the most quiet streets of Koper. The project is organized by the Students' Association of Koper and is extremely popular on the Sloven…



Design that can impact a society’s stigma on housing

The housing titanic – The big ship in communicating to influence the public stigma of affordable housing.

Australia has an ingrained belief that owning a home is essential to their wellbeing, stability and being a responsibility citizen in our society. This is mainly due to the fact that it has been possible in the past. Yet with our changing world this expectation is fading fast. In its wake …



Anonymous Bosnia – What Have We Learned?

Today, while enjoying my regular reading routine, I read a short tweet about Anonymous Bosnia.

Being from a very adjacent (once upon a time the same) country, it grabbed my interest instantly. If you have heard of Bosnia before, that was probably due to the fact that it was heavily devastated by war during the 90′s and the problems they are facing now – as a country that doesn’t really functio…