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Mantra u etru, u repetitivnom loopu, ponavlja da je najbolja moguća forma društva u kome danas živimo (neo)liberalno demokratski kapitalizam. Tri velike krize najbolje forme društva – 1929, 1968 i 2008 – dokazuju suprotno. Dokazuju da je ova forma skrojena po meri kapitala a ne po meri čoveka. U sto godišnjoj političko-ekonomskoj istoriji rešavanje finansijske krize je uvek bilo prvo rešavanje ka…
Eis aqui. Depois de uma longa espera, assistindo a movimentos de ocupações críticas e criativas pela cidade e pelo mundo, experimentos diversos em meio a dificuldades, denúncias e entusiasmos... Enfim, chega com as águas de março a notícia de que foram divulgadas as diretrizes para a Competição Participativa do Memefest 2012.
Para quem acompanha também as publicações do blog em inglês, os vent…
Ne možete izbeći ideju čije je vreme došlo!
Ove reči izražavaju moto današnjeg globalnog pokreta protiv vladavine novca nad životom. One pripadaju ljudima, onim 99%, koji izražavaju naše glolokalne probleme na ulicama, u medijima, u prostorima javne savesti, u školama i univerzitetima, na poslu, kod kuće, kao i u intimnim odnosima i privatnim diskusijama.
Ove reči takođe izražavaju i još…
You can’t evict an idea whose time has come!
These words express the nature of the current global movement against the rule of money over life. They belong to the people, the 99%, who are bringing the fundamental urgent issues to the streets, into the media, into the realm of public consciousness, into the schools, universities, jobs, homes and intimate discussions and relationships.
Hey… Yes, it's time again!
Memefest Festival of Socially responsive communication and art is soon to be launched. While the last preparations are taking place, I will post a few notes to give a bit of a context on what's happening.
The official launch of the next festival and the Friendly competition is planned to happen in the next week. We are incredibly excited about this year’s theme. W…
Convocar, discutir, debatir, experimentar y sentirte cercano al otro son acciones necesarias para crear nuevos puentes de comunicación.
Memefest México tiene como objetivo congregar para discutir juntos temas que a todos nos interesan y preocupan como sociedad y sobre los cuales todos tenemos una postura.
Nadie está solo, las conexiones son bastas en el mundo, las sociedades evolucionan, …
Kids in Banja Luka, the city of Republic of Srpska, resisted the heavy machinery that was on its way to turn their playground into parking. Weapons of 5 to 12 years old kids were improvised barricades, eggs and tomatoes, night sabotages, drawings and poetry. Through negotiations with the mayor they managed to stop the betonization and got assured that the City will build the real playground inste…