News / Conversations



The Crisis of Civilization in a movie


Like the book on which it is based, the film consists of seven parts which explore the interconnected dynamic of global crises of #Climate-Catastrophe; #Peak-Energy; #Peak-Food; #Economic-Instability; International #Terrorism; and the #Militarization Tendency -- with a final section on The #Post-Peak World



Indebted, Conversations in Political Economy with Maurizio Lazzarato (Paris)

Thursday, 31 May, 5pm, NAB LG01, A Goldsmiths' Centre for Cultural Studies event, with support from Departments of Anthropology and Sociology

In the current economic crisis we have entered into a new age of debt. In
spite of emergency loans, bailouts and liquidity injections, waves of
defaults, bankruptcies and capital drains have left the world economy
without cash. Governments, firms,…



The dark side of the bright World future. DEBT, Common Matter of concern

Mantra u etru, u repetitivnom loopu, ponavlja da je najbolja moguća forma društva u kome danas živimo (neo)liberalno demokratski kapitalizam. Tri velike krize najbolje forme društva – 1929, 1968 i 2008 – dokazuju suprotno. Dokazuju da je ova forma skrojena po meri kapitala a ne po meri čoveka. U sto godišnjoj političko-ekonomskoj istoriji rešavanje finansijske krize je uvek bilo prvo rešavanje ka…



Proizvodnja života

Proizvodnja života, odnosno životnih stilova, nije ništa drugo nego vrsta komodifikacije: formalizirovanje i estetizovanje života postaje kategorija robnog dizajniranja. Ako robu mislimo u Marksovoj paradigmi robnog fetišizma, onda život nije ništa drugo do stil, a on je stvar estetike. Estetika je produkt dizajniranja, dizajn je formalizacija, a formalizacija je, tehnički gledeno, komodifikacija…



International women's day

is not about flowers, but about respect.



Početak. Common-matters-of-concern. Emancipacija.

Debakl se zove kapitalizam. Debakl neoliberalnog/postmodernog kapitalizma je krizna realnost našeg svakodnevnog života. Prezaduženost države i nezaposlenost ne terete samo život ljudi u SAD. U Evropskoj uniji su prezadužene 24 njene članice, Grčka, Portugal, Irska, Španija se nalaze u veoma teškom položaju, dok je bezposlenost najveći EU problem. Slika nije drugačija ni u SAD. Ni Barack Obama ni…



Clay Shirky: Why SOPA is a bad idea

"But where the DMCA was surgical, [...], the SOPA and PIPA are nuclear. [...]"



Signs Of Revolt - The City, The Sign And Revolution In The 21st Century

This is link to a paper I gave at a conference Design and Social Activism in Barcelona this summer, I thought it would interest people here. It draws on the fantastic theories of communcation that Mikhail Bakhtin and Valentin Volosinov wrote in the 20s in Russia, and looks at how the combination of economic collapse and network technology are feeding a dialogical battle over the meaning of Signs,…



Invisible Biannual of visual communication of Slovenia

I have recently been asked by D_magazin, to write a review of the 5th Biannual of visual communication of Slovenia, as student newspaper Tribuna took part in it and has recieved the award for type design, the award for editoral design and the grand award. I have to stress, that my personal reason for participation was one of "infiltration", to see, if my critical stance to such events is justifie…



Stop the killing of dogs and cats for the European Football Championship

"Why This Is Important

Dear President Viktor Yanukovych, dear Uefa President Michel Platini, dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

with deep sadness and horror I read about the planned and already started killing of dogs and cats in preparation for the UEFA European Football Championship 2012…