News / Conversations



design, illustration, infographix -

Check out this new web page and app that seems to serve as an awareness raising tool about slavery by indexing your 'slavery footprint'.

I'm happy to see that it manages to break out of the usual visual language of slavery campaigns featuring guilt inducing images of downtrodden people and distressed fonts with excessive use of black, red, and orange.




Memefest at CulturaDigital.Br

Dear Memefest comrades,

We're going to have a Digital Culture festival here in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in December. And we applied for the open call for projects. We want to heat up the discussion towards socially responsive communication in a local sphere, in contact with people from all over the world, and the sky is the limit...

So, today is the last day of the voting process (that's no…



Memefest e eventos

Há mapas para publicar aqui, produzidos no encontro em Nijmegen, Holanda, em junho. Um deles ganhará uma versão digital interativa, os outros foram impressos em camisetas. São maneiras experimentais de visualizar conflitos.

Outras visualidades e pesquisas cartográficas, à maneira situacionista, têm ganhado espaços de experimentação e vivências pelo Rio: o Laboratório de Cartografias Insurgente…



The Will

Presentation of my new artwork "The Will" in collaboration with Arwa Ramadan in the frame of Interface Cultures exhibition "Unuselessness - The Useful Useless" presented during Ars Electronica festival (1.-6.9.2011 Brucknerhaus, Linz, Austria)

On the floor there is an Islam symbol of Allah square kufi made from conductive carpet. Near the carpet there are three pairs of slippers with mini vibr…



Design that can impact a society’s stigma on housing

The housing titanic – The big ship in communicating to influence the public stigma of affordable housing.

Australia has an ingrained belief that owning a home is essential to their wellbeing, stability and being a responsibility citizen in our society. This is mainly due to the fact that it has been possible in the past. Yet with our changing world this expectation is fading fast. In its wake …



Communicate, Reproduce.

Tell me what you want, but there's a megaload of people in the world who is obsessed with reproduction. Spreading their own selves forever, that is, in the most traditionally fisiological way we can think of. The way of the flowers and the bees, the XXs and the XYs and so on. You know.

The whole Globalized Culture is obsessed with it: TV shows, dating sites, religious sacraments, romantic nove…



Mergulho nas ideias

Vou tentar condensar pela primeira vez tudo o que tem acontecido por aqui em poucas palavras. Fato: Memefest Brasil encontra Memefest internacional. Participantes, curadores e organizadores, todos juntos por algo em torno de 10 dias num festival em Nijmegen, Holanda. Lá, encontramos participantes do International Media Training - que fariam a cobertura do festival Oddstream [ http://www.oddstream…



International Press Agency @Oddstream festival or Creative Model “6xC”


On the 28th of May 2k11 we have started gathering at Vasim (, Nijmegen ( Next two days we were trained for group working. Jumping ropes, playing kind of human minesweeper, remembering our names, melting on the sun, wearing sunscreen, speaking english.

A day or two later, also the late ones joined us, and there we were = 29 …



The Issue of the 100% Male Conference Panel

I was one who asked the male panel at Memefest's Festival of Radical Communications 'Inspiration day' why there were no women presenters. I think it's worth unpacking this topic a little with the intention of helping Memefest develop into an network with strong input from women and other marginalised voices. Diversity of representation should by now be standard practice in any international netw…



Tired, but really, really, really inspired.

ODD is a breaking point.
@oddstream =>
#oddstream => twitter: @odd_stream

#oddnews =>


it's not allowed to tick more than 4 categories and not less than 1. :(
here's the list of al…