News / Conversations



Creating a new University

No less, than creating a new university is our goal. Writing from Paris, here the third day of conference/workshop is getting hot. Bellow an update on what is happening with a short intro on the concept of the Urmadic University project. Memefest is collaborating with and supporting this project. Also I am leading (together with Anne-Marie Willis) a radical communication workshop in support to th…



DEBT: the right for education, affect, everyday life and solidarity with (student) protests in Montreal

While exciting works you have submitted to this years Memefest Festival, are being curated, here more on DEBT. It seems like the overwhelming tsunami like impact of Debt is being more and more reflected. Student protests like the ones in Montreal are doing a great deal to fight the devastating effects of debt regimes, together with theoretical reflections and communicative / artistic investigatio…



In Debt as communicators?

David Graeber author of Debt- first 5000 years, one of the texts we use in this years Friendly competition outlines, is interviewed by Uprising Radio. Graeber speaks about the history of Debt, its current role and also about the Occupy movement in which he was involved from the very beginning.

The other video is his lecture on the same theme. Both are very well worth watching. Graeber is a in…



como funciona tu dinero

¿Cómo crees que el dinero trabaja para vos?
Green City Energy (Energía Ciudad Verde) y Musclebeaver le dan la respuesta en esta animación

Para más información por favor visite:

Campaña realizada por:
Año: 2010

MUSCLEBEAVER son Andreas Kronbeck & Tobias Knipf, viven en Munich/Alemania

Trabajan como equipo desde 2005 e…





La Doctrina del Shock / The Shock Doctrine

para ver el documental completo / to see full documentary



Sicarios Económicos / Economic Hitmen

para +detalles ver "Confesiones de un Sicario Económico"
for more background see "Confessions of an Economic Hitman"



DEBT: Bankrupt banks, nationalise financial system, write off personal debt, occupy economics departments of universities

Economist Steve Keen ("As an economist, I do something very unusual: I treat money seriously.") is one of the few economists to have predicted the global financial crisis and now he says we are already in a Great Depression. He says the way to escape it is to bankrupt the banks, nationalise the financial system and write off people's debt.

Keen speaks also about the impact of economic universi…



GRAFITTI for blind people

My friends from SMETUMET (the name is a wordplay from TRASH and ART in Slovenian) group are working on a very interesting project (again:)!
Grafitti for blind people.
At the beginning of next week they will held a workshop in Maribor where they will produce slogans in BRAILLE signs made with BRAILLE printer on used surfaces with blind people and than will stick them on different spots in the c…



David Harvey -- The History of Neoliberalism

As a Sociologist I am happy to see that the big and most important body of the profession- The International Sociological Association is currently led by Michael Burawoy. He is engaged in a particular approach to sociology called "Public Sociology" which encourages the discipline to engage in "explicitly public and political ways with issues stimulated by debates over public policy, political act…