News / Conversations



Listen to Chris Hedges

I have been pointed to Chris Hedges through Brian Holmes, who writes on his blog:

"Chris Hedges, the former NY Times war correspondent who took a stand against the war in Iraq, knows more about what’s wrong with this country and is more articulate about it than any other person alive. "

When speaking about "this country" Holmes means America and is referring to the Occupy Wall street protes…



MEMEFEST EXHIBITION in Koper / insight

On the 24th of August in the PiNA e-Cafe in Koper we opened the fourth exhibition MEMEFEST: DEMONSTRATING RELEVANCE:RESPONSE-ABLITIY. The exhibition was opened during one of the most known events "REVIVING THE STREET", which the last 12 years brings to life one of the most quiet streets of Koper. The project is organized by the Students' Association of Koper and is extremely popular on the Sloven…



MEMEFEST PUBLICATION: Friendly competiton 2010-11

Unfortunately the news is not that fresh, but is still very relevant!
As some of you might know, we were working on the publication covering Friendly competition 2010-11. We got it from the printer just a day before our travel to Nijmegen where we organized Memefest Workshop. We know it was almost two months ago, but - with a kind of summer vibe and a lot of other things to solve– we are finall…




The success of any learning I believe takes roots with a commitment to the cause and although the concept of “Socially Responsive Communication” may be a novice concept in this age and time it is certainly not unapproachable in the Gulf Region and South East Asia. In many ways it has always been part of the social fabric and daily practice. We just need to be reminded. Perhaps this is one reason …



The workshop

It took several years of collaborative research to understand why there is this one communication culture and approach that is used in practice and that is at hand whenever »communication problems » need to be solved in the public sphere. With there is I mean this all encompassing presence of marketing based communication. It is naturalized, meaning, it has penetrated the logic of communication t…



"Españistán" de Aleix Saló

Esta es la historia de un cani (o un choni, o un poligonero, ya saben…) que, en su empeño por deshacerse de la hipoteca, deberá recorrer el Reino de Españistán para enfretarse con todos y cada uno de los malandrines, meapilas y soplagaitasque lo pueblan, dando lugar a un relato plagado de tópicos, tacos y faltas de ortografía, con bien de lobbies, parados, mileuristas, pensionistas, funcionarios,…



Radical Magic

Indeed it was magic. And radical. Memefest "Mapping socially responsive communication" workshop brought together almost thirty fantastic thinkers, educators, designers, artists, activists, students, researchers, proffesionals and above all: good people from arround the world together for eight days of dialogue, work, inspiration and fun. We all came to beautifull Nijmegen's Oddstream festival and…



What we got up to last week



Socially Responsive Communication at Memefest: Comments for a Comprehensive Theory

The week at Memefest Festival of Radical Communications on mapping socially responsive communications as provided a valuable opportunity to reflect on what it means to make communications that address societal problems. Oliver Vodeb described seven characteristics of socially responsive communications as a starting point from which the group assembled to build on the theory by creating new maps. …



Vajkard 2011 search for lecturers on topic

I am still searching for someone who can hold a lecture on the workshop from the sociologistic or philosophical point of view, if you are interested, please contact me via we are quite in a hurry!

Also anyone, who would like to be on the workshop, can apply on the same email.
(read vajkard_info.pdf in the link)

more on the project here:…