News / Conversations



Se extiende la recepción de trabajos hasta el 25 de Enero !!

Hola camaradas. Estamos muy contentos porque hemos recibido inspiradores trabajos de alrededor del planeta.
Sin embargo, nos llegaron muchos pedidos para extender la fecha de entrega. Somos felices de escuchar a nuestra comunidad. Así que.. vamos a esperar por tus maravillosos trabajos hasta el 25 de ENERO!

Si tienes preguntas relacionadas con tus trabajos no dudes en preguntar.

También re…



Deadline for submissions is EXTENDED till January 25th!

Hi Comrades. We are excited to say that we have received inspirational works from around the Globe. Some of them are just brilliant!
However, many requests arrived asking for extension of deadline. We are happy to listen to our community. So... we will wait for your wonderful works till JANUARY 25th!

If you have any questions regarding your submissions don't hesitate to ask!

We recommend…



Decoding Visual Media: Representations of Nature in Popular Culture

I am interested in how representations of Nature in the media and popular culture effect our attitudes towards Nature. I would like to study this phenomenon and could use some help from you, yes you reader. I need more examples. I am going to try and crowd source visual samples. Please help me out by visiting this new blog: . Read the brief descriptions of the main …



Korsakow, from film cuts & software codes

It's on campus in Bangalore, on campus in Melbourne and then again in Berlin and Montreal. The Korsakow System is on! "The what?," I thought, scratching my head. "Yeah, you know, Korsakow is a principle, a logic, with its own rules and structure," media artist Florian Thalhofer ( tells me over the phone. And so it is. Florian is the guy behind Korsakow. And to make thing…



El libro de Memefest

Teoría, práctica e imaginación de la comunicación socialmente responsable

Lo mejor de lo mejor de Memefests pasados + nuevas reflexiones.

Para más información, visita el siguiente enlace (en inglés)



20 de Enero_ La fecha límite para presentar trabajos se acerca rápido!

Pocos dias quedan para que termine el plazo para presentar tu trabajo en nuestra competición Amistosa. A medida que llegan los primeros trabajos -ya podemos decir que hay algunos fantásticos trabajos incluídos- quisieramos darte algunas pistas.

1. Categoría de practicas visuales de comunicaciones:…



Deadline for submissions JAN 20th is approaching fast!

Few more days are left for you to finish your works and submit to our Friendly competition. As first works are coming in- we can say so far some fantastic works included- we want to give you a few hints.

1. Visual communications practice category:

make sure you respond the the festival outline LOVE:CONFLICT:…





Memefest Awards- Mapping Socially Responsive Communication Workshop

This might come as a surprise, but most of so called »socially engaged« communication is either not effective or even counterproductive. Why? The main reason is that such communication is conceived in the same way as marketing communication for a product or service. The difference is content, but the perspective from which such communication starts and the dynamics it produces in the public spher…



BOOKS for Vijecnica - Action project, Bosnia and Herzegovina

I just received this email. Let's do something!

Dear Sir/Madam,

BOOKS4VIJECNICA is an action project, initiated by Humanity in Action Senior Fellow Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Our initiative is to re-establish the destroyed book collection of Vijecnica, the National Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina !
During the four-year long siege of Sarajevo, from 1992 till 1995, Vijecnica was…