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Dialogue is tirelessly presented as ‘the’ solution to the problems of ‘our’ times – in art, war, love, democracy and even in the workplace. In fact, dialogue has been central to the ethos of Memefest since its inception back in 2002. But what if dialogue is not working?
RADICAL INTIMACIES: DIALOGUE IN OUR TIMES is the theme of this year’s Memefest. We’re trying to ask a dfficult question in or…
Queridos Camaradas, Amigos y Colaboradores
Estamos muy contentos de dar a conocer nuestro nuevo libro. Luego de más de un año desarrollándolo, ahora estamos contentos de presentártelo.
En las series de Intervenciones, publicado por Memefest y el Colegio de Arte de Queensland - Universidad de Griffith, EnDEUDAdo para Intervenir, Lecciones Críticas en Deuda, Comunicación, Arte y Teoría Prácti…
Dear friends, dear comrades,
our community has lost a dear friend and one of our first and most important members. Shoaib Ahmad Nabi passed away few days ago. Shoaib established contact with Memefest already in 2003 in an effort to provide his students at the American University in Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates with the opportunity to work on socially critical and engaged design work, to…
After our Friendly Competition results, here our second harvest this year, again, with fantastic outcomes.
We are excited to announce this years special Memefest/ Queensland College of Art- Griffith University Award for Imaginative Critical Intervention.
The award for Imaginative Critical Intervention is given to support critical thinking, as the ability to see situations as they are and i…
Objavljeni su radovi Memefestovog (2013) natečaja FOOD DEMOCRACY!
Pozivamo vas da posetite našu GALERIJU 2013 i pogledate prispele radove u svim festivalskim kategorijama.
Kuratori i editori ovogodišnjeg festivala su odradili svoj deo posla. (Ove godine je prispelo ogromno radova, čak iz 25 država sveta.) Njihov rad nije b…
Food. Our closest relationship with nature. When we started to research this years theme FOOD DEMOCRACY it was almost impossible to imagine how far reaching it is. How very fundamental to our existence, our relationship to nature, to each other and to our selves it is.
The Food System is designed to serve a tiny minority of food producing corporations backed by copyright regimes. It serves d…
Na začetku 90-ih let prejšnjega stoletja je prišlo do geneze specifičnih procesov, ki zadevajo industrializacijo in mondalizacijo prehrane. Svetovne institucije kot so WTO (prej GATT), MMF, WB so težile s svojimi programskimi politikami, da se liberalizira svetovna trgovina s hrano, medtem ko so veliki proizvajalci začeli težiti k standardizaciji prehranskega blaga. Omenjene institucije in sporaz…
We are very excited to have received works from around the world to this years Friendly competition!!
The theme FOOD DEMOCRACY has triggered lot's of creative energy and work. It was and is a highly interesting journey for us too. The more we investigate, the more we see how alienating and exclusive the current food system is. What we can do is to think of possibilities for redirection, inova…
Dragi memefestovci, u ponoć 31. 05. smo zatvorili naš prijateljski natečaj. Predaja radova na Memefest 2013 nije više moguća. Zahvaljujemo se za poslane vizualne i tekstualne radove koji su tematizirali ovogodišnju festivalsku temu DEMOKRATIJA HRANE.
U narednim danima ekipa Memefesta imaće puno posla. U predselekcij, pregledaćemo sve prijave i razvrstiti vaše radove prema festivalskim kategor…
Svi koji ste zainteresovani i do sad niste imeali vremena da sednete i otkucate svoje misli te prijavite svoj rad na MEMEFEST, to možete uraditi u narednih 5 dana. Zadnji dan za predaju festivalskih radova na temu DEMOKRATIJE HRANE je 31.5. do ponoći.
Dobra ispiracija - da u narednim danima napišete kritički tekst ili uradite vizuelni kritički rad - je jučerašnji PROTEST PROTI MONSANTU, koji …