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(odlomek iz prihajajoče knjige o hrani)
Ali je mogoče invazijo instantne trash american materializirane ideologije v obliki fast fooda misliti kot del ameriške neoliberalne ekspanzivne politike; kot kontrarevolucionarni odgovor na svetovno kritiko amerikanizma in zahteve svetovne kulturne revolucije in antisistemskih gibanj konec 60. let?
Tezno vprašanje ni nedolžno, če vemo, da je proces…
Na isteku prošlog veka smo stanovnici ovoga planeta počeli ozbiljnije da shvatamo EKOLOŠKE PRETNJE našeg vremena. Pre svega mislim na promenu klime, uništavanje biodiverziteta i monokultura, narastanje toksičkog odpada, kao i zagađivanje izvora vode i okoline. Počeli smo da se bavimo pitanjima prirodnog kapitala, među koje spada i HRANA.
In the era of privatisation of everything fundamental human needs get colonised through corporate strategies. The food system becomes a machine, which excludes people. We have almost no chance to participate in the production and distribution of food. The consumption is to a big degree predefined as well- our desires to achieve pleasure with food are in many ways the product of the prevailing foo…
We are very excited to announce the first Memefest/ Queensland College of Art- Griffith University Award for Imaginative Critical Intervention.
The award for Imaginative Critical Intervention is given to support critical thinking, as the ability to see situations as they are and imagine them differently in a way that can emancipate and lead to transformation through intervention. Such interve…
We are almost there, but we will have to wait one more week for the definitive decision on the Memefest/Griffith University Queensland College of Art Award for Imaginative Critical Intervention.
George Petelin, Tony Fry and I have been discussing and reviewing your wonderful and strong works submitted to this years festival and the more we discussed the more it became clear that this will be…
A primeira investigação séria sobre o tema da dívida no campo da comunicação! Respostas críticas e criativas, de vários modos possíveis. Todos importantes como pontos de vista, análises, interpretações.
Os trabalhos selecionados e comentados estão aqui:
E o time de curadores, muitos deles colaboradores do Memefest há vários anos, http://www.mem…