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Se acaba de abrir el debate en Colombia, acerca de la piratería, los derechos de autor y la forma de compartir contenidos en internet. Estamos ante una ley que puede llevar a la cárcel a quien viole y comparta información que esté protegida. La discusión apenas comenzó y ya tiene divido al país entorno al tema de la libertad de expresión y el libre intercambio de información y contenidos.
El …
I just received this through email. It's very much worth posting here. This is a reaction on the strong process of blind marketization of European Universities.
Instead of nurturing universities a places of emancipatory, critical, innovative, original thought, they are becoming more and more places of teaching skills. Theory is being marginalized and with that professions are doomed to become i…
La gran fiesta del intercambio digital se acerca y ya todo el mundo esta preparando sus CDs DVDs y USBs para cc-ompartir información. El trueque digital es una gran iniciativa de varias organizaciones, que promueven la libre cultura en Bogotá, y su idea es generar un espacio que permita el intercambio de conocimiento digital de manera legal.
Should we be asking ourselves if the natural and political events have a certain pattern? I think not.
There is no way, nature and politics work as a team - no way! But we could exclude the team work and talk about individual projects, one natural and other political.
The problem with the natural project is that we have no word or way to influence it. It is already planned in advance due to s…
I guess I am stuck in this blogal warning era and area. Still thinking of power and love.
Power is actually achievable through many means: money, strength, fear, intelligence...Power is also measurable - it is also a physical entity and used in calculations. Power can be contained, it can be of many shapes and sizes and types. Power can be always overcome.
Love is not easily achievable. You can…
Where did the whole global warming issue and media coverage disappear? I think it is not an issue anymore. Maybe they fixed it. I seem to see only riots in the countries of the Middle East and preparation for song contest.
I think the whole global warming changed into blogal warning.
The blog era has spread so quickly, man could not get prepared properly. Everyone has his/her own blog now. All…
O mundo por aqui tem estado rodopiante - nas melhores voltas. E o de vocês? É engraçado escrever em português num ambiente que mistura tantas vozes - mas então, é uma voz que ouvem alguns, multiplicantes, e talvez outros tentem decifrar.
Entre voos e cotidianos, sempre me interessei por política. Só que, diferentemente do que pensam alguns, política não se faz só com políticos, nem com notícia…
In the last blog post we have been discussing some aspects about mapping possibilities of socially responsive communication and the difference between such communications to (social) marketing.
Thanks for all the comments, i believe we are getting closer to a start of understanding what needs to be included in the concept of our workshop in a few months.
Experimental geography has inspiring…
Danas je više-manje jasno da su univerziteti u stvarnoj konjunkciji sa kapitalizmom, tržištem i vlašću, kao i da većina današnjih sumljivih intelektualnih umova podržava tržnu logiku univerziteta itd., pa shodno tome treba se zapitati, da li zasedanje univerziteta danas ima smisao? U skladu sa tim pitanjem, daje se i sam odgovor. Ako parafraziram Lakana, mogli bismo reći da na fakulitetima i univ…
I've just found (via the friends at The Influencers) an extremely interesting article on the censoring of a Blu's wall at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.
It underlines many crucial points about the commercial/critical dichotomy of contemporary street art: censorship; curatorship; engagement; radical critic; to be in the streets or in museums.