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Gde je nestalo kritičko razmišljanje, pisanje? Gde je nestala teorijska produkcija?
Činjenica je da kritičko razmišljanje i pisanje, ali i teoretska produkcija, sve manje podržavaju institucije znanja – univerziteti, instituti, škole… Treba je konstatovati: današnja društvena pedagogija se je prepustila duhu vremena koji zanemaruje potrebu da se emancipatorni potencijali i radikalne društvene…
Memefest. Zašto da ne!
Critical Writing? Hmm.... teorija? Da! Da!
Gde je nestalo kritičko razmišljanje, pisanje? Gde je nestala teorijska produkcija?
Činjenica je da kritičko razmišljanje i pisanje, ali i teoretska produkcija, sve manje podržavaju institucije znanja – univerziteti, instituti, škole… Treba je konstatovati: današnja društvena pedagogija prepustila se duhu vremena koji z…
WHY CRITICAL wrITING/ WHY Theory? Poglej/Take a Look/Pogledaj: Art SABotage
Zakaj je danes premalo teoretske produkcije? // criTICal READING/ CritICal THinkiNG/ CRitiCal WritinG / CRITICAL arT // Kritična TeoRIJSKa produkcija i mapiranje alternativnih Praksi
I have started to be interested in mapping projects long ago. The first really inspiring project i saw some 8 years ago was the ongoing "mapping of power structures" project dome by Bureau d' etudes and Memefest collaborator Brian Holmes. Here is one example of this fantastic work:
This was also something, that fascinated me: Skitter grap…
Bourriaud defined the approach of relational art or relational aesthetics simply as: "a set of artistic practices which take as their theoretical and practical point of departure the whole of human relations and their social context, rather than an independent and private space."
There is many interesting points in his book and i recommend it. It's a good and relevant book. However, i am skep…
The a-synchronicity of electronic mail to a complete stranger strips out all requirement of social obligation and, in turn, relies only on content to motivate the receiver in their response. In other words, when using text based communication -- with a person whom you have never met -- that person is not socially obligated to respond to you: they can easily delete your message, toss your letter i…