News / Conversations
We go along open and closed doors and windows in our life to look for the way is destined for us. Our letters what we were spinning from over thousand threads are the metaphor of this way. (Noémi Vágvölgyi and Borbála Skrapits)
If you are interested in this and the other participants' works or you like typography, art and music and you are nearby, we are waiting for you here: Budapest, Petőfi …
Memefest u kooperaciji sa Loesje, Mašta i Kulturlabor Trial&Error
predstavlja međunarodnu izložbu Memefest radova: “DEMONSTRATING Relevance: Response-Ability”. Posle prvog otvaranja Memefestove izložbe u Ljubljani, 06. maja izložba je otvorena u Berlin. Izložbu radova iz možete videti u
Elsenstr. 52/
2.Hinterhaus Etage 2
12059 Berlin Neukölln
Više o Berlinskoj izložbi na…
Le OFFTA, vous connaissez? Ça sonne comme une boulette de viande marocaine (kefta) et il est vrai que ça roule! Mais le OFFTA ça ne fait pas que rouler, ça tourne aussi.
Une équipe de tournage sera au Parc LaFontaine (Montréal) dès 13h ce dimanche 1er mai pour capter un avant-goût de cette boulette de danse et théâtre. En effet, les artistes de l'édition alternative et "underground" du Festiva…
Hi all. I'd like to share with you a brand-new-project we've been working on for last mounths. Its name is Call Center Experience! and is about discovering the persons behind call center agents.
This video is part of a website which will be online for public use next days. I hope you enjoy it!
We present in cooperatin with Loesje, Masta and Kulturlabor Trial&Error:
The Memefest exhibition: “DEMONSTRATING Relevance: Response-Ability” with selected visual communication works and critical content from all over the world.
An event for interactive participation to emancipate, reinterpret and act!
>>> and in German <<<
Die Memefest Ausstellung: “DEMONSTRATING Relevance: Respon…
Não foi uma decisão fácil. Muitos participantes enviaram bons trabalhos para o festival desse ano. Dentre esses, os mentores do workshop - Oliver Vodeb, Tony Credland, Sandy Kaltenborn, Shoaib Nabi, Alain Bieber e Jason Grant - tiveram a difícil tarefa de escolher quais seriam convidados para Nijmegen, Holanda, em junho desse ano. Os critérios para participação no workshop de comunicação socialme…
Abstract for the Design History Society conference Design Activism and Social Change. See blog for more pictures and links:
Hopenhagen was an initiative by the International Advertising Association in support of the United Nations at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP-15) in Copenhagen December 2009. The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon UN asked for help from t…
Guau, que fantástica respuesta! Comunicadores visuales, escritores críticos, artistas, educadores, activistas, investigadores de todo el mundo, respondieron a la propuesta y enviaron sus reflecciones en varios formatos. Nuestros curadores y editores trabajaron durante tres semanas, revisaron los trabajos recibidos y cada uno seleccionó un máximo de 7 trabajos. Como parte del Premio Memefest, ca…
It was not a easy decision to make. To many participants submitted good work to this year’s festival, too many of you we would like to work with in our workshop. However, we had to make a decision. Workshop mentors: Tony Credland, Sandy Kaltenborn, Shoaib Nabi, Alain Bieber, Jason Grant and myself were first discussing criteria than we selected separate lists and in the end one list of twenty p…