News / Conversations



Festival results published. GOOD WORK!

Wow, what a fantastic response! Visual communicators, critical writers, artists, educators, activists, researchers from around the world responded to our outlines and sent their reflections in various media. Our curators and editors worked three weeks, reviewed the submissions and selected max 7 works each. As part of Memefest Award, each work got substantial written feedback and all is publishe…



blogal warning

Where did the whole global warming issue and media coverage disappear? I think it is not an issue anymore. Maybe they fixed it. I seem to see only riots in the countries of the Middle East and preparation for song contest.
I think the whole global warming changed into blogal warning.
The blog era has spread so quickly, man could not get prepared properly. Everyone has his/her own blog now. All…



help to stop killing of protesters in libya

Dear friends,

Hundreds of democracy protesters are being massacred by Qaddafi's military in Libya. The UN is in emergency meetings right now and could freeze the regime's assets, impose a no-fly zone, and threaten trials in international courts. Tell the UN to act now to stop the bloodshed:

Libya's armed forces are using machine guns and fighter jets against pro-democracy protesters -…



Memefest latinoamérica: um convite

O mundo por aqui tem estado rodopiante - nas melhores voltas. E o de vocês? É engraçado escrever em português num ambiente que mistura tantas vozes - mas então, é uma voz que ouvem alguns, multiplicantes, e talvez outros tentem decifrar.

Entre voos e cotidianos, sempre me interessei por política. Só que, diferentemente do que pensam alguns, política não se faz só com políticos, nem com notícia…



Ethnic first look.

It`s been a while since I start this project and memefest has been a importa part since, i just wil like to say that i work and i been inspired by the content of all this hard work from memefest. open my eyes to new frontier of knowledge so this project is part of this journey of confronting reallity to a point of view. so thanks memefest for all this years of inspiration and consiousnes thanks…



Mapping workshop: Three levels of Socially responsive communication

In the last blog post we have been discussing some aspects about mapping possibilities of socially responsive communication and the difference between such communications to (social) marketing.

Thanks for all the comments, i believe we are getting closer to a start of understanding what needs to be included in the concept of our workshop in a few months.

Experimental geography has inspiring…



Diskurs univerziteta

Danas je više-manje jasno da su univerziteti u stvarnoj konjunkciji sa kapitalizmom, tržištem i vlašću, kao i da većina današnjih sumljivih intelektualnih umova podržava tržnu logiku univerziteta itd., pa shodno tome treba se zapitati, da li zasedanje univerziteta danas ima smisao? U skladu sa tim pitanjem, daje se i sam odgovor. Ako parafraziram Lakana, mogli bismo reći da na fakulitetima i univ…




Depois dos trabalhos recebidos, conferir se todos foram submetidos corretamente, selecionar, enviar para os curadores e enfim publicar os vencedores.

É louvável a iniciativa de tentar criar possibilidades comunicativas viáveis, inteligentes que que apontam para novos horizontes. Alguns dos trabalhos que criamos demoramos para saber como enquadrar nesta ou naquela categoria, mas aos poucos vam…



Toxicómano callejero

"El Kolectivo Toxicómano Callejero es un grupo de científicos antisociales, de-mentes audiovisuales y algunos punks con ánimo de lucro, que se encargan de combatir la estupidez, la ignorancia, la moral (sencilla y doble), las buenas costumbres, la fe y el orden, mediante sonoros atentados visuales."

Los invito a que conozcan el trabajo de estos artistas punks y callejeros que invaden las calle…



Street Art and critical statements

I've just found (via the friends at The Influencers) an extremely interesting article on the censoring of a Blu's wall at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.
It underlines many crucial points about the commercial/critical dichotomy of contemporary street art: censorship; curatorship; engagement; radical critic; to be in the streets or in museums.