Friendly competition

Curators & Editors

Hand picked. The best of the best. But Memefests curators and editors are not necessarily stars. They are better. They have soul, integrity, in depth understanding, extensive knowledge, pedagogical eros, extremely sharp eye for things that matter and theoretical and practical experience. Composed of distinguished educators, artists, media activists, researchers, educators, theoreticians and professionals from the spheres of social theory and humanities, design, arts and social communication, this editorial and curatorial board is going to select and give feedback on your work. We are very happy to work with thems!

Za najboljšo možno uporabniško izkušnjo naše spletno mesto uporablja piškotke, ki nam omogočajo vpogled v način uporabe spletnega mesta ter izboljšave naših storitev in produktov.


Piškotek je majhna tekstovna datoteka, ki se prenese na računalnik uporabnika ob njegovem obisku spletne strani. Sam piškotek ne vsebuje ali zbira informacij. Piškotki se glede na svojo funkcijo in glede na to, kdo jih namešča, lahko razvrstijo v več kategorij. Vsako od njih lahko vklopite ali izklopite po vaših željah.