News / Conversations





Blueprints for Change Manual

We're launching the first edition of the Blueprints for Change Progressive Organizing and Campaigning Manual, a culmination of two years' worth hard work from our core group of 20+ helpers and includes field wisdom from over 100 kickass organizers and campaigners who contributed.

A bit more promo before we get to downloading:

14 detailed how-to guides on cutting-edge approaches to progr…



Pleasure Praxis Education & Research: The Memefest Melbourne  Sessions

The Second International Swinburne Memefest Extradisciplinary Symposium, Workshop/ Interventions event was held from November 21-28th at Swinburne University in Melbourne. This was the fourth Memefest event held in Australia, (check links to previous events at bottom of this post) and it continued to implement the unique Memefest approach to education, research and public engagement.



Radical Intimacies: The Many Different Fruits From Our Dialogue

The inaugural international Memefest/Swinburne Extradisciplinary Symposium / Workshop / Intervention was held from November 18-25th and focused on Memefest's 2014 theme - Radical Intimacies: Dialogue in our Times, curated by Dr Oliver Vodeb and Alana Hunt. It was a continuation of the global Memefest festival Friendly competition on the same theme and was connected to the Memefest/Swinburne Award…