News / Conversations



Nadie está solo

Convocar, discutir, debatir, experimentar y sentirte cercano al otro son acciones necesarias para crear nuevos puentes de comunicación.

Memefest México tiene como objetivo congregar para discutir juntos temas que a todos nos interesan y preocupan como sociedad y sobre los cuales todos tenemos una postura.

Nadie está solo, las conexiones son bastas en el mundo, las sociedades evolucionan, …



dictionAAAry exhibition

Rumbach Sebestyén u. 10. Budapest, Hungary · 1075



No means no! Kids against machines

Kids in Banja Luka, the city of Republic of Srpska, resisted the heavy machinery that was on its way to turn their playground into parking. Weapons of 5 to 12 years old kids were improvised barricades, eggs and tomatoes, night sabotages, drawings and poetry. Through negotiations with the mayor they managed to stop the betonization and got assured that the City will build the real playground inste…



Game Show Debord

This is pretty fantastic. A game show spectacle uses Guy Debord as content.

I would be interested to see how would Debord comment on this.

Just a little reminder: "The spectacle is not a collection of images, rather, it is a social relationship between people that is mediated by images." Society of Spectacle: Guy Debord. What kind of social relations are becoming visible through this image…



Why It's Kicking Off Everywhere: the contagion of revolution

A recent article published in THE NATIONAL newspaper in the United Arab Emirates. An interesting point stated "... the Arab Spring itself is part of a global wave of unrest triggered ultimately by the ongoing disorderly collapse of globalisation in the wake of the financial crisis of 2008." Re…



Početak. Common-matters-of-concern. Emancipacija.

Debakl se zove kapitalizam. Debakl neoliberalnog/postmodernog kapitalizma je krizna realnost našeg svakodnevnog života. Prezaduženost države i nezaposlenost ne terete samo život ljudi u SAD. U Evropskoj uniji su prezadužene 24 njene članice, Grčka, Portugal, Irska, Španija se nalaze u veoma teškom položaju, dok je bezposlenost najveći EU problem. Slika nije drugačija ni u SAD. Ni Barack Obama ni…



The First Official Cyberwar has begun

It was in 2004, when we created a whole Memefest Festival around the Cyberwar theme. Besides the "Design is not enough" manifesto, the main text that served as a festival provocation for people around the world to create media and texts, was "Cyberwar is coming." It was a highly important but also popular theme with our community

Few days ago, this video was published by the Anonymous group, d…



Clay Shirky: Why SOPA is a bad idea

"But where the DMCA was surgical, [...], the SOPA and PIPA are nuclear. [...]"



David Harvey -- The History of Neoliberalism

As a Sociologist I am happy to see that the big and most important body of the profession- The International Sociological Association is currently led by Michael Burawoy. He is engaged in a particular approach to sociology called "Public Sociology" which encourages the discipline to engage in "explicitly public and political ways with issues stimulated by debates over public policy, political act…



Poster for Occupy London

Poster for Occupy London given away in 1000 copies with issue 2 of the The Occupied Times, the camp Newspaper

Download A3 version here: