News / Conversations



Signs Of Revolt - The City, The Sign And Revolution In The 21st Century

This is link to a paper I gave at a conference Design and Social Activism in Barcelona this summer, I thought it would interest people here. It draws on the fantastic theories of communcation that Mikhail Bakhtin and Valentin Volosinov wrote in the 20s in Russia, and looks at how the combination of economic collapse and network technology are feeding a dialogical battle over the meaning of Signs,…



Memefest with Occupy Brisbane: Socially responsive communication Workshop

MEMEFEST, in conjunction with OCCUPY BRISBANE and The Free University of (Occupied) Brisbane Presents:

Response-Ability, Socially Responsive Media and Communication Workshop

Participants will include members of the Brisbane Memefest Collective, members of Occupy Brisbane Media Working Group and other participants or supporters of Occupy Brisbane.



Happy New Year 2012!

Just got an email with this wonderful Snowmen by the fantastic Milan Erič. His humor and playful work always make me happy. In the name of the whole Memefest collective I wish you all the best in the next year. Let's continue the good work.



The Bubble Project - conceived by Ji Lee



Welcome to Pine Point!

Credited to Paul Shoebridge, Michael Simons and the National Film Board of Canada this is one of the most beautiful and strong pieces of interactive story telling I have seen and one of my favourite works submitted to Memefest.

In the authors words: "Imagine your hometown never changed. That no one ever grew old or moved on. Part book, part film, part family photo album, Welcome to Pine Point…



Paper Sky

Next one on our Blogging TV - images from MemeTV -series. This one was submitted to our second festival in year 2003. Really nice. I wonder what the author - Marco Perugini is doing this days.



Invisible Biannual of visual communication of Slovenia

I have recently been asked by D_magazin, to write a review of the 5th Biannual of visual communication of Slovenia, as student newspaper Tribuna took part in it and has recieved the award for type design, the award for editoral design and the grand award. I have to stress, that my personal reason for participation was one of "infiltration", to see, if my critical stance to such events is justifie…



Pepper Spraying Cop Lt. John Pike

Few days ago, students in solidarity with the worldwide Occupy movement peacefully protested at University California Davis. What happened became news around the world. It showed the nature of a big part of the corporate University systen through the naked violence that was employed that very day on campus. It showed how far a University system can go to preserve it's corporate status quo. It sho…



A Studio Model

The seed of an idea for an interdisciplinary design practice that goes out of its way to recognise and affirm "goodness" in the world while agitating for needed change. It is a model that values diversity of approach and personality, and attempts to avoid the well trodden patterns of "conservative" and "radical" behaviour.

"Sch/ism": A divided design studio




Stop the killing of dogs and cats for the European Football Championship

"Why This Is Important

Dear President Viktor Yanukovych, dear Uefa President Michel Platini, dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

with deep sadness and horror I read about the planned and already started killing of dogs and cats in preparation for the UEFA European Football Championship 2012…