News / Conversations
Vou tentar condensar pela primeira vez tudo o que tem acontecido por aqui em poucas palavras. Fato: Memefest Brasil encontra Memefest internacional. Participantes, curadores e organizadores, todos juntos por algo em torno de 10 dias num festival em Nijmegen, Holanda. Lá, encontramos participantes do International Media Training - que fariam a cobertura do festival Oddstream [ http://www.oddstream…
On the 28th of May 2k11 we have started gathering at Vasim (, Nijmegen ( Next two days we were trained for group working. Jumping ropes, playing kind of human minesweeper, remembering our names, melting on the sun, wearing sunscreen, speaking english.
A day or two later, also the late ones joined us, and there we were = 29 …
Esta es la historia de un cani (o un choni, o un poligonero, ya saben…) que, en su empeño por deshacerse de la hipoteca, deberá recorrer el Reino de Españistán para enfretarse con todos y cada uno de los malandrines, meapilas y soplagaitasque lo pueblan, dando lugar a un relato plagado de tópicos, tacos y faltas de ortografía, con bien de lobbies, parados, mileuristas, pensionistas, funcionarios,…
Indeed it was magic. And radical. Memefest "Mapping socially responsive communication" workshop brought together almost thirty fantastic thinkers, educators, designers, artists, activists, students, researchers, proffesionals and above all: good people from arround the world together for eight days of dialogue, work, inspiration and fun. We all came to beautifull Nijmegen's Oddstream festival and…
The week at Memefest Festival of Radical Communications on mapping socially responsive communications as provided a valuable opportunity to reflect on what it means to make communications that address societal problems. Oliver Vodeb described seven characteristics of socially responsive communications as a starting point from which the group assembled to build on the theory by creating new maps. …
I was one who asked the male panel at Memefest's Festival of Radical Communications 'Inspiration day' why there were no women presenters. I think it's worth unpacking this topic a little with the intention of helping Memefest develop into an network with strong input from women and other marginalised voices. Diversity of representation should by now be standard practice in any international netw…
Un interesante video donde varios artistas opinan sobre las posibilidades del arte en el futuro. Las increíbles posibilidades del mundo digital, de internet, el intercambio de nuevas sensibilidades a partir de esos seres nómadas e itinerantes en que se han convertido los artistas contemporáneos.…
ODD is a breaking point.
@oddstream =>
#oddstream => twitter: @odd_stream
#oddnews =>
it's not allowed to tick more than 4 categories and not less than 1. :(
here's the list of al…